Saturday, January 03, 2009

redefining church/Church

Phyllis Tickle, on the Emergent Village Weblog has opened a discussion on the nature of church/Church, which may be worth a visit. Joan Chittister, in her wonderful book In Search of Belief says: "... we have to forget one kind of church and recommit ourselves to the creation of the other one, the one created by the Holy Spirit, rather than the one created by centuries of political accretions and clerical control." My personal sense is that we need to acknowledge that there will always be church in terms of the Christian human collective expressing faith in word and action. The key, I suspect, is for the Christian human collective to maintain our relationship with God in such a vital and abundant manner that Church, the creation of the Spirit, continually informs and transforms church.

rennie D
3 January 2009

1 comment:

Steve K. said...

Thanks for sharing the Joan Chittister quote. That's a great quote! Good thoughts too.